"Exuberance is Beauty." ~ William Blake
Lake Tahoe makes you come alive. It's a gift to the spirit, a seduction of the senses, a place where feelings grow strong.

To the atheist, Lake Tahoe confirms a higher power.

To the lonely, Lake Tahoe provides connection.

And to the somber, Lake Tahoe offers hope.

Lake Tahoe is a place of peace and contentment.

And it delights and surprises.

Lake Tahoe inspires mindfulness...


And calm.

In his book, The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows, John Koenig asks, "How many of your snapshots could easily be replaced by a thousand identical others? Is there any value left in taking yet another photo of the moon, or the Taj Mahal, [or Lake Tahoe]? Is a photograph just a kind of souvenir to prove you've been someplace?"

I would argue John Koenig would take his camera to Lake Tahoe. He would snap many photos. And he would never want to forget the feelings his "souvenirs" revealed.
There's a sense of loss the moment you turn and move away from the Lake. Photos are just one of many ways we can savor the memories.
Afterall, this is the bright side of paradise.
When angels dream, they dream of Lake Tahoe.

Hello! I’m Michael Kennedy, Olympic Valley, CA resident. I’m a freelance writer, photographer, and teacher. Thanks for reading. If you enjoyed it, please share with others. I value your attention, it means a lot to me and it helps others see the story. If you're interested in any photos in this post, or in my gallery: click here, or just call or text at 530.608.9150. Let me know what size you want, and I'll send a quote. My email: michael.kennedy999@gmail.com.
Great spread of images and words