And the meaning of life

Here is a poem, my view of the world,
As I saw it one day under the Juniper Tree.
Without warning or notice of any kind
The ecstasy of curiosity came over me.
I knew then and there, like the crack of a whip,
There was more to this world than I could possibly see.
The splendor of light was not just out there
But spreading its wings inside of me.
And upon my reflection I enjoyed in that moment
A taste of heaven and immortality.
The lesson I learned under the Juniper Tree?
The meaning of life is whatever you ascribe it to be.


Hello! I’m Michael Kennedy, Olympic Valley, CA resident. I’m a premium ghostwriter and photographer. Thanks for reading. If you enjoyed it, please share with others. I value your attention, it means a lot to me and it helps others see the story. If you're interested in any awe-inspired photos in this post, or in my gallery: click here, or just call or text at 530.608.9150. Let me know what size you want, and I'll send a quote. My email: